
I’ve had a horrible taste in my mouth for months. I’m tired of it. I would like to provide Mike with a hot meal each evening and have been working hard on doing so (not so much working as in cooking–working as in motivating myself to think of something to cook). It is so strange to have such a lack of interest in food.

We had quite a night last night. If you recall, Erik was sick a couple of weeks ago and started sleeping with us again. After he got better we had a long talk about what a brave, big boy he was and he was back in his own bed through the night. Hallelujah!

Except last night he crawled back into our bed, claiming to be scared.

I was strong. I took him back to his room and laid with him for-freakin’-ever until he went back to sleep.

Ten minutes later he was back in our bed, saying he was scared. By that time I gave up and he just slept with us. Ugh.

He must have wore himself out because he slept till 9 am. I can’t complain about that!

Tonight I made sure he had his pal Fluffy, so hopefully Fluffy can give him courage if he wakes in middle of the night. I can’t do the co-sleeping thing. No no no no no no.

I can’t stand to think of him laying in his bed, scared. But I also want some sleep. Quite the conundrum.

I braved Wal-Mart today. *shudder* I hate our Wal-Mart. It is totally ghetto, dirty and crowded. I wanted to check out prices on baby gear. Turns out they don’t have jack shit. I did buy some necessities like butt paste and diapers. My eyes about fell out of my head when I saw the diaper prices. They’ve gone up considerably in the past four years! Maybe we need to reconsider the cloth diaper option. Do you know how badly I don’t want to cloth diaper? My best friend here is a cloth diaper person and it seems like a total pain in the ass. Not that she complains. She loves it and wouldn’t have it any other way.

Maybe I would have time to cloth diaper if it didn’t seem to come with an automatic obsession with sewing your own diapers, buying snap presses and hanging out at cloth diapering boards. Not that there’s anything wrong with that *looks at my CD friends*, but it just doesn’t appeal to me at all.

In other news, today was great! We were able to get out of the house! Finally, things are open! We went to the Romp ‘n Roll where Erik was the only “kid.” He was really mad because all the rest of the patrons were babies. I never thought I’d start going to things like that and have the big kid instead of the little baby. My how things change.

He also had his gym class. Can I get a high five? Peace! Sweet, sweet peace! Tomorrow he has school, so I’ll be doing the happy preschool dance.

I have no idea what I’m going to do this summer with a newborn and a preschooler. Mike said I could put him in a two week session of half-day summer camp. That’s only two weeks. I have a lot more weeks I have to get through. This summer is really going to suck, isn’t it?

At least the snow will be melted. What a pain in the butt. I don’t want it to melt too fast since that is a recipe for a big flood, but I am tired of looking at piles of snow everywhere. A lot of places don’t have their parking lots cleared, which makes things interesting. It’s hard to see around corners when driving. We have an awning over our front porch that is dripping water right on our step, causing a thick pile of super slippery ice. I am going to kill myself.

I did find a bag of rock salt at Wal-Mart and that seems to be helping. I thought rock salt just meant that it was big rock-like chunks of salt, but apparently it means that it also has rocks in it. Or at least this bag also had a lot of sand and rocks mixed into the salt. Nice! I was thinking I should raid Erik’s sandbox and sand down the step, but the rock salt is a better bet.

I lead a thrilling life! Rock salt and bad tastes in my mouth. Does it get any more exciting? Not that I am asking for exciting. Two of my bloggy friends are having excitement, but not of the positive kind. I am quite happy to lead a boring life if it means I am healthy, my family is healthy and everything is on track. I feel so bad for my friends. That’s the one thing I hate about blogging. I want to reach out to these women and do something tangible like babysit or take over a meal, but that’s just not possible.

1 Comment

  1. beck said,

    February 17, 2010 @ 12:33 am

    Well like everything cloth diapering has extremes. I’m not the sew-your-own type and I find the cloth diaper boards overwhelming (I only stick my head in long enough to find something I need to buy.) It really does save us money so I’m in it for that, mostly. I don’t mind it. =) And my kids mostly sleep in disposables *gasp* because it’s easier for us. =)

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