Slacker mom

I am such a slacker mom! Today is the day I’m supposed to post all kinds of “looking back” pictures, with one big today picture that says THREE! My baby is three! I don’t know how this happened, but she has long legs, and extensive vocabulary, and a stubborn streak a mile wide. Three is here to stay! (until four arrives)

Pictures will have to come tomorrow. The poor dear didn’t get much of a celebration today. We went to soccer where I foolishly dressed us for spring since it was in the 90s this week. Elsa and I were freezing, so we holed up in the van where she watched a DVD and I played on my phone. It didn’t occur to me that the DVD player would suck all the juice out of the van. We used to go watch double features at the drive-in and the car could play the radio for four hours without killing the battery. I guess the DVD player sucks down a lot more electricity. Lesson learned. Silver lining: We get our money’s worth with our AAA membership.

We are such awesome parents that we didn’t even buy her a birthday present. I don’t know how that happened. I felt terrible when I realized we didn’t have a present. She’s only three, so she didn’t notice, thankfully. Instead of having a big wrapped present for her to open, we took her to Toys R Us and let her pick out anything she wanted. She ended up with a Minnie Mouse trike, so I guess we are not the worst parents in the world.

Really, I should not even joke about being the worst parents in the world. Meth heads are worse than us. My poor sister’s kids are covered in lice and have a pedophile babysitter. Not having a birthday present the moment you wake up hardly rates as abuse or neglect.

Anyway, back to happiness.

The party is tomorrow so I spent the majority of the day getting ready. I had this fabulous idea to make sugar cookies shaped like a 3 and give them out as party favors, but I was foiled when I couldn’t find a 3. I was sure my alphabet set also had numbers, but nope. Letters only.

I ended up wandering the aisles at Michaels and found a flower cookie pop pan. It has a recipe on it and detailed instructions on how to make the pictured flower pops.

What a fool I am. When will I learn that Wilton is not my style? The cookie recipe was terrible but I was afraid to tweak it because I assumed it had the right amount of puff for the pop mold.

Then it said to use royal icing. I’ve never made royal icing before and had no idea I would need egg white powder to make it safely. Hopefully my real egg royal icing will be ok. I eat raw egg all the time so I’m not that worried, but it still does give me a twinge of “Oh god, I’m going to infect 15 children with salmonella.”

I’ve discovered I have an enemy and its name is royal icing. Good gravy, that stuff is nasty. It tastes gross, which is the perfect complement to the disgusting flower cookies. I didn’t make it thin enough, so I didn’t understand how it was supposed to flood my flower. Finally I figured out that I had to add a lot of water, even though it scared me to add water to whipped egg whites. I think I finally got the flowers flooded ok and now they just have to harden 4-6 hours.

It’s 11 pm.

I am going to be putting last minute touches on these things tomorrow morning! The party starts at 10 am.

What was I thinking???

We’re having an early party b/c many of Elsa’s friends go down for a nap at 1 pm. Those that don’t nap are usually cranky by 4 pm, just in time for the other kids to wake up. Ten o’clock will be perfect for three year olds but is already making me cry. Mike and I will have to work together to get everyone ready, pick-up the cupcakes, wash and cut up the fruit and frost the damn flower pops, all by 9:30. Most Sundays I am still asleep at 9:30.

I’m very tempted to toss the stupid pops, but I bought these little purple water cans and some floral foam. I plan on putting the foam in the cans, then sticking the pops in them. It will be super cute if the pops all stay up!

Tomorrow I’ll do a proper birthday post for my little miss princess. She is my heart’s delight and I hate that I don’t record many of her little sayings and doings. We’re too busy living to write about living.

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