Back to Normal

It was so nice to have some sense of normality back in our day today. Preschool! Whoo-hoo! Now, will someone send me lots of money so I can sign him up for a summer full of camps? I signed him up for one two-week session. I think that will be the extent of his summer camp experience. I’m not looking forward to summer. Not at all.

In other news, I had an OB appointment today. I had to take Erik with me, but it turned out ok. He was fascinated by the heartbeat and helped the doctor read the numbers. He also told the doctor he was really smart and has lots of brains. Nothing like a humble child.

The subject of my weight finally came up. I’ve gained three pounds. Whoo-hoo! Apparently this is not a good thing when you’re 31 weeks pregnant. I explained my theory that I’m losing muscle mass and that seemed to be acceptable. I expect I’ll plump up big time in the next two months. I have been having really terrible round ligament pains when I walk, stand or stretch wrong. Elliptical? Not such a good idea. I am not pleased. I was doing so great until the gym childcare was shut down for two weeks because of the snow! Boo. I think I may go in and try to work out anyway and maybe it will loosen things up or something. I don’t know.

Also, can we start a count down? Unless Elsa has other plans, she will be born on April 13! I know it is silly, but I love that the kids will have birthdays exactly six months apart.

Erik was so excited about this appointment I think I’m going to take him to the ultrasound. It’s just at my regular OB office so I feel like I can take him. I’ve had my other two done at the high risk/fertility clinic and after reading so many infertility blogs I felt like it would be really tacky to take him with me. But the regular OB? Well, sorry if there are any infertile women in the crowd, but the office is always full of pregnant women so there’s not a lot I can do to not hurt their feelings.

Thanks for all the responses about cloth diapering! I had no idea so many of you were doing cloth diapers. I suppose that’s because you are not all obsessed with it, which makes me a lot more comfortable with the idea. I just can’t see myself hanging out at forums that require you to use a bunch of blinkies to describe your parenting views. I don’t do blinkies. Ever.

I guess Mike and I need to revisit this discussion. I just can’t believe the cost of a box of diapers! I am not good at all those crazy coupon deals. Math hurts my head.

So what kind of diapers do you use? What do you like about them? What don’t you like? How many do you need? I suppose I should talk to my RL friend about all this, but she’ll have me behind her serger, sewing bamboo velour and embroidering rockets on the butt. Not that there’s anything wrong with that (she has super cute diapers), but I don’t have time to get excited about serging and embroidering. I can’t let myself get caught up in anything more than ordering X amount of diapers and calling it good.

I went down to the mall while Erik was in school and picked up his giant portrait. Oh. My. God. It is GIANT! At least he likes it. Again, not a humble child.

While I was picking it up I ran into a friend from the MOMS Club and she wanted to look. I was so embarrassed to have her think I spent a million dollars on a giant picture of my kid. In reality I only spent $60 which was still probably too much. But, as Heather has said, I can get a giant picture of Elsa when she’s 4 and it will be our “thing” and it will be ok. Right? I shouldn’t be embarrassed because I think my kid is handsome.

We don’t have any Catholic blood in our family, but we seem to be full of Catholic guilt. I feel so guilty when I spend money on things like this.

I need a new and exciting adventure to come up. I am boring even myself. There is only so much that goes on when you stay at home all day and think about entertaining your older kid and buying clothes for you unborn child. I have no freakin’ clue how to dress a summer girl baby. Do they make little summer rompers for little tiny girls? Gymboree didn’t have anything I liked. The summer clothes didn’t seem particularly baby friendly. I am all about comfort for a little newborn, probably because my own skin is so sensitive. The dresses they had seemed too harsh and scratchy. Plus, I don’t like babies with regular shirts anyway because they just bunch up under the armpits. Onsies are a must, but do you just stick them in a onsie with no bottoms? It is so hot here in the summer, but no bottom seems unfinished. I suppose I need to go to Kohls and Pennys next month and check out their spring/summer stuff. They’ll probably have more realistic clothes.

I am going to try really hard to have a fun adventure tomorrow just so I can have better blog fodder. We’re going on a tour of the recycling plant and Erik has swim class, so surely someone will do something crazy that I can report on.

I guess a big part of my problem is that I never want to post anything about people I actually know. That’s bit me in the butt too many times. I have some crazy stories about crazy things, but. . . the lip? It is zipped. Or would that be the fingers?

1 Comment

  1. Antropologa said,

    February 19, 2010 @ 12:15 pm

    I recommend Fuzzi Bunz pocket diapers.

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