Something Interesting? Nope.

I tried really hard to find some drama or something weird to report. I think all the people I hang out with are too normal. We went to the recycling plant with our MOMS Club and had fun. The official presentation was not geared toward preschoolers at all. Erik was the oldest kid there and the most talkative. The guy giving the tour had no clue how to handle him and wouldn’t tell him to just be quiet and wait his turn. It was sort of embarrassing, especially when he declared to the whole group “I’m smart because I have lots of brains.” His new favorite thing to say, btw. I think I’ve mentioned that before.

If your life seems craptacular, take a moment to reflect on the job you could have. You could be sorting through people’s nasty trash 40 hours a week *gag gag gag*. I felt so sorry for the sorters! It didn’t smell too bad, but that’s only because it was really cold. They say it is horrible in the summer and I believe it.

You wouldn’t think a recycling plant would stink that bad since you’re supposed to wash your stuff before putting it in the bin. I think we may be the only family in the county that takes that rule seriously. I couldn’t believe some of the stuff we were seeing go by. People are nasty.

Anyway, the plant was really cool because it is totally set up for tours. You can drop by any time you want to go up and take a look. They have a catwalk with a Plexiglas barrier all around the equipment so you can stand up there as long as you want and watch everything. Erik loved it. I didn’t love it, but it was pretty interesting. Did you now that 50% of all polyester carpet made in the US is made from recycled bottles? Recycling really is useful!

Erik had swim class again tonight, which was a good thing. He has been begging for swim class for two weeks. We have class at the same time as one of my good friends. I didn’t plan it that way, but I thought it was a nice coincidence. Her son is in a more advanced class since they’ve been going for months.


I knew she was a competitive person and approaches parenting in a very different way than I do, but I didn’t realize how that would translate into something like swimming lessons.

I thought we’d probably sit around and visit, but she spends the whole 30 minutes intensely watching her son and yelling out criticisms and encouragements. When he’s supposed to swim a little bit, she gets up and walks along the side of the pool, clapping and yelling.

That is so not my style. I guess when Erik gets to the point where he has to swim the length of the pool I will cheer him on, but in general I don’t feel it is my job to correct him or chastise him. I’m paying good money for a professional teacher. I sit down and watch the show, waving at him occasionally and giving him a thumbs up when he looks my way. I have no desire to interfere with the teacher’s discipline.

Tangent: Ice skating must be really hard. All these guys keep falling down.

Remember all my worry about what to dress the baby in? Problem solved. One of my MOMS Club friends gave me two big bags full of spring and summer clothes! Lots and lots of cute, practical clothes. Whew! I don’t have to have an anxiety attack in Kohls any time soon.

Also, thank you SO MUCH for all the cloth diapering info. It is so hard to know how to prepare for something like this (if we decide to do it) because so much depends on the baby. We tried all the different diapers with Erik and Huggies were the only ones that didn’t leak/blow out all the time. I’ve had other people tell me they hate Huggies, but I guess they were shaped just right for Erik’s body.

My real life friend says she has newborn diapers I can have (I offered to pay, though) if I want to try it out. We shall see. I can’t decide anything at this point. My brain is too mushy.

I haven’t been to the gym in almost three weeks. I am feeling really flabby and gross. I may try to go tomorrow, round ligament pains be damned. I hate poking my leg and feeling it go soft. I may be big, but I’m usually hard and muscular (except for my stomach).

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