Odds and Ends

I finally finished re-reading HP4. I started before Christmas. I have no idea why it took so long, except I didn’t want to drag the book to Sweden and then I got several books for Christmas that I wanted to read.

Everything makes so much more sense now that I’ve read the whole series. JK Rowling really had a plan in mind. I think I better start book 5 tonight and keep the momentum going, even though I prefer the earlier books. I like happy and books 5-7 are anything but happy.

I think I’m going to give up on the book my friend recommended–The Fifth Sacred Thing by Starhawk. I think the author’s name says it all. She is not an author. She is a thinker and activist. I guess. I don’t know much about her, I just know she can’t write fiction that makes sense. I’ve only read a couple chapters, but the point-of-view keeps shifting mid-paragraph which annoys the hell out of me. I’d consider myself a good read (hello! English major!) so if I can’t follow along I think it’s the author’s problem, not mine.

In other news. . .

What other news? Nothing going on here. Erik had preschool today, which was a very good thing. He was on my last nerve, but that’s nothing new. I thought I was going to smack him when he came home from school and said in the snottiest, rudest voice ever “Mommy, hang up my coat RIGHT NOW.”

You can bet your sweet bippy we had words and he was soon grovelling. Guess he thought he had to try out being an asshole and see what would happen. Testing boundaries is oh-so-much fun!

It’s funny how much we evolve as mothers as our children evolve into little people instead of blobs of screaming flesh. I used to get so upset and feel so guilty when I would have to set a hard limit, but those feelings of guilt are loooooooong gone. Now that he is a fairly rational being I expect him to behave fairly rationally. I am generally really pleased with his good manners and behavior (he was impressing the heck out of the old ladies at the grocery store today. He loves to wish people a nice day.), but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t drive me up a wall sometimes. I just wish my fuse wasn’t so short these days.

I got all the blocks sewn for my latest quilt. It’s just a small baby quilt from a kit. I’ve lost all confidence in my ability to choose colors and patterns. I think read too many quilting blogs and see too many beautiful things. I liked quilting better when I was more isolated and didn’t know what amazing things other people were doing. That’s always my problem. I probably need a therapist. I always want to be the best and if I can’t be the best I quit. I’d like to say there’s no such thing as “best” in crafting, but that’s not exactly true. Some people are much more creative, focused and driven than others. I am not really all that creative or driven. I don’t know. I am just feeling bummed about my lack of pretty. Stupid green eyed monster. I wish he’d stay away.

Anyway, maybe tomorrow I’ll be able to get the quilt top done. I’ll have to bribe Mike to fuse the parts together so I can quilt it, but at least it will be easy to quilt. I have another quilt all ready to go, but am dreading the actual quilting. My usual diagonal grid won’t look right on it, but I may have to give up and do it that way anyway.

Erik wants to know how it feels to be inside my tummy. I’ve told him it’s hot, wet, dark and tight. He doesn’t believe me. Any other ideas? We wrapped him up really tight in a quilt to try to show him, but he didn’t really make the connection.

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