I must have doormat or sucker written on my back. Ugh.
Several years ago Kisha and I made Erik a Swiper costume. I am not good at stuff like that, but Kisha rocked it and we even got her husband to make the nose. It was an awesome costume! Erik wore it two years, then I passed it along to a friend. Her son wore it one year.
Now. . . . the lady I hate! The lady I can’t stand! The lady who doesn’t feed her kids and is always wrong about EVERYTHING no matter how minute, the lady who endlessly corrects my spelling and grammar and nitpicks everything (but is ALWAYS wrong). . . . her son loves Swiper.
She didn’t ask me about the costume. She asked my friend, who has it in her posession. The friend asked me if it’s ok, and I said she could go ahead and give it to her. I have no use for it. Elsa wants to be a purple princess mermaid ballerina fairy queen (key point on the purple and sparkly). I hate to see waste. Things should be re-used. Her son seems like a sweet little boy, from what I can see.
Obviously Nick Jr. is completely missing the boat by not offering a Swiper costume.
This year might be the year that I don’t have to cobble together a costume for Erik. He wants to be Michelangelo (the mutant turtle, not the famous painter) so I will probably be able to buy most of the pieces for it. Of course, I kind of hate the look of commercial costumes and prefer the homemade ones. Erik is usually the only one in his school with a homemade (as in, mom cobbled together the pieces–not hand-sewn) costume and he likes being unique.
In other news, he will not be unique this year. There are two Eriks in his grade. This is the first year they will be in the same class. The other boy is actually an Eric, so my Erik wants to be called Erik K. this year. I need to e-mail his teacher and make sure she doesn’t call him Erik Pee because apparently that would be the most awful thing that could happen in his life.
At first he said he wanted to go by Kent, his middle name. We tried it out yesterday for a few moments and he quickly changed his mind.
His teacher is new to the school, so no one knows her quirks. She is the mom of three boys, so that gives me hope that she will be able to relate to all his awesome boyishness. The wiggling, the non-stop talking about Minecraft, the competitiveness, the complete disdain for coloring,. . . . surely one of her boys will have helped her understand these things.
I can’t believe tomorrow is the first day! I think we are all going to be crying when the alarm goes off in the morning.
Erin said,
August 25, 2013 @ 12:03 pm
My mother made my brother a Ninja Turtle costume back when the Ninja Turtles first came out. Green sweat suit (hello, Ohio weather) and the top of his turtle sand box strapped to his back.
Not as good as the year he went as a jar of Peter Pan peanut butter (best. costume. EVER!), but pretty darn cute. Mom made all our costumes as a kid…they were so much better. No store bought costumes in our house!