I got a lot of my work done last night, so I am feeling a little better about life. I have to give a speech tomorrow, which is starting to make me nervous. There will probably be at least 100 adults in the audience, so it’s a good thing I’ve discovered the joys of alcohol. I’m going to need a drink to calm my nerves!

Yes, long time readers, you will be shocked to know that I drink a glass of wine every day. If I don’t have my glass of wine, I am a very unhappy lady.


Because it completely knocks me out. One glass and I sleep all night, no matter if my darling daughter sneaks into the bed and sticks her feet in my ears or my darling son crawls into the room and grabs my toes. Yes, he does that in middle of the night. No, I do not know why.

The other night my friend and I made strawberry margaritas and I could get totally hooked on those! I think I might have gotten a little silly as the night wore on. I used the left over strawberry mix to make “strawberry slushies” (Sprite instead of alcohol) for our back to school bash.

Speaking of the back to school bash. . . Whew!

Erik attended a MOMS Club meeting and heard us say that anyone could host an event. Of course, my little extroverted party planner immediately wanted to plan a party. He knew he wanted older kids, a pinata and a cake.

I obliged. I also made him do some of the prep work! Not all of it, but I made him see that hosting a party is not all fun and games. I even made him vacuum.

It was cute, but I can’t believe I didn’t take a single picture! The strawberry slushies were the hit of the party. I had them in little cups with umbrellas. The kids LOVED the umbrellas. Best dollar I ever spent!

We had new windows installed on Monday. I was expecting the window guys to be gone by 2 or 3 pm based on the install time of our last set of windows (took the first guys 4 hours to install 5 windows. Took these guys 11 hours to install 6 windows). I had planned on baking the cake and getting the house in order on Monday afternoon, but the guys didn’t leave until 8 pm and my kitchen was covered in a tarp. I ended up baking the cake at 10:30 pm! (Just FYI, THIS is the best yellow cake recipe you will ever make and it is super easy!).

I was planning on doing seven minute icing but got behind and ended up making it 20 minutes before the party was supposed to start. I thought I could multi-task, but that was a huge mistake. This type of frosting requires cooking a sugar mixture to 242F and then beating it into egg whites. Well. . . . I cooked it to 250 on accident, so I ended up more with a divinity type mixture than a nice, easy, spreadable frosting. I couldn’t even cover the sides of the cake (maybe there’s a reason I didn’t take pictures. . . ) but the kids didn’t seem to notice and it still tasted ok, if a little chewy.

Today was another busy day. I rushed out to Elsa’s preschool first thing in the morning to see if I could switch her class time. I have no freakin’ clue why I decided to put her in morning classes (I filled out the form in January and I seriously can not remember my thought process, but it must have made sense at the time). I was able to switch her to a Tue, Thurs, Fri afternoon class, which will make my life SO MUCH EASIER. You have no idea. The only glitch is that my Tuesday BodyPump class usually lets out at 11:45 and it takes at least fifteen minutes to drive to the school. She’ll arrive right on time, but she will have to eat her lunch in the car. We will both hate that.

Did I ever tell you about Erik’s week of afternoon summer camp when he had to eat lunch in the car a couple of times? This is just not something we’ve ever had to do before. We are not drive-in eaters. I believe it is important for kids to sit at the dining room table and really feel a meal, not just shove food in their craw to fill them up. As the kids get older and the schedule gets more hectic I realize that sometimes I have to give a little in my ideals.

Anway. . .he was not impressed with the car eating. “But there’s no table! Where am I supposed to put things? I don’t understand this! You always say a car is for going, not eating! This is just crazy, mom!” It highly amused me.

But wait! I was telling you about or busy day!

Erik is becoming such a good big brother. He showed Elsa around the school and kept telling her that she is going to make great friends at school. His old teachers came out and looked him over, commenting that he looked like a ten year old, which puffed him up with pride.

We met Elsa’s teacher. . . who happens to be the mom we car-pooled with during Erik’s pre-K year. She is a sweet lady. Just hope she has better control of her classroom than she did of her son.

Elsa was really happy in the school and even talked to her teacher. She is such a shy little girl that I was worried. I think having Erik show her around helped immensely.

Then. . . We went to the gym, went to the school and made copies and got the kids haircuts! Whew!

Erik is really angry that I made him get a haircut. He wants to grow his hair out like Rapunzel (from Tangled) so he can use it as a whip. Thankfully he cooperated at the Haircuttery, even if he had a surly look on his face the whole time. And thankfully the lady understood his hair! This is such a rarity. In fact, he has only had two good haircuts in his life, both from ladies who took a look at his hair and immediately announced that it has a special texture and either needs to be really long or really short. I don’t know if this is just a coincidence or what, but both of those ladies were African-Americans. Erik’s hair is stick straight, but maybe something about the way it sticks straight up is something they understand better than the Asian ladies (the place I take him to usually only has Asian ladies working). I don’t know, but I hope the lady who cut his hair this time stays awhile and I can have her be his regular lady.

And. . . . that’s a wrap! I’m trying to roll back bed time so we are ready for school to start next week. I suppose that means I have to stop writing and start getting Erik to bed.

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