Lesson Learned

I hate my cell phone. I never carry it. When I do somehow manage to get it in my purse, it stays there until it runs out of batteries and then it is useless. I mainly hate it because I never hear it ring. Plus, who am I going to call? I don’t even call people on my regular phone.

Then we have a day like today. Having a working cell would have really improved my life.

We started the day at a friend’s house for a MOMS Club board meeting. I had to be strong and refuse to take on the presidency even though people were telling me that “so and so did it with a newborn!” But did they do it well? No. Would I even want to put myself in that position? Hell no.

Erik was having a ton of fun with the host’s little girl and started crying when it was time to leave. The host was apparently happy to have him entertaining her daughter because she offered to keep him, then take him to open gym and feed him lunch. Awesome!

Sadly, we were both scattered and didn’t really plan the pick-up very well. I thought she was going to call or I could go over there at 2.

I didn’t hear from her, so I headed over there at 2.

They weren’t there, so I decided to wait. I was in the parking lot and thought I saw them pull into the back side where their garage would be. I waited a couple of minutes since I know it can take some time to unload two preschoolers and a baby, then went and started ringing the doorbell.

Have you guys heard about this nor’easter thing we’re having? No snow, but hella horrible winds.

About five minutes later the neighbor who had been around back doing something walked up and told me that he saw them pull in so he knew they were there.

I rang that damn doorbell for a half hour!

I was on the verge of knocking on the neighbor’s door and asking if he was SURE he’d seen them and if we should call 911. What if she fell in the garage and needed help?

About that time she pulled up from the other direction. Wha??

It turns out she had pulled into the garage, ran into the house to get my phone number, started calling me, drove to my house to drop Erik off, couldn’t find me, so drove home. The whole time I was standing on the porch ringing the doorbell.

Damn my refusal to be responsible and carry a charged cell phone. I get my free new one on March 6, so I won’t have any excuses after that.

Wasn’t it nice of her to take Erik for a few hours? Despite standing out in the wind for a half hour, my day was much better than I expected. I needed that Erik break. I feel bad feeling like I just want to be away from him. I love him. I love cuddling with him in the mornings. I love talking to him. But does he have to sit perched on my arm, sticking my hair in his ear, licking my face, ALL THE TIME? Can’t he play a game or something? Even when I get out a game and try to play with him he prefers to be on me. The clingier he gets the grouchier I get the clingier he gets.

Since I had some unexpected free time and my hair looked like a giant St. Bernard head, I dropped in at a salon that I always have high hopes for but never pans out. I need to suck it up and make real appointments like a real grown up.

Today, though, it seemed to work out for the best. The lady actually seemed to know what she was doing. She made suggestions about the style I picked, pointing out how certain things would make it better for my face and hair type. She noticed my two cow licks and admitted there was no fixing them–we just had to work with them (something I always try to tell them, but some of them refuse to listen). She even noted that one side of my hair likes to flip out and the other side likes to tuck in. Another thing we just have to work with.

She was super annoying in her endless chatter, but I think I got a pretty great hair cut. We’ll see how it looks tomorrow when I have to do it myself. I would post a picture, but remember that whole episode of standing out in hurricane like winds for 30 minutes? It did no favors for my hair.

The very first thing she told me was that her last client had a still born baby in October. Hello! You don’t tell that to a pregnant lady! She also told me all about her desire for a boyfriend, her hope that her son keeps a helmet on his soldier when with his new girlfriend, and several other things that had my head reeling. Then she had to go out to her car and get a new razor. So totally unprofessional, yet possibly the best haircut I’ve had in years. I saved her card and will go back if the cut holds up to my very amateur styling.

1 Comment

  1. jeanette1ca said,

    February 26, 2010 @ 11:20 am

    The year my daughter was 4, I was able to send her to visit her grandparents in Missouri and Minnesota for the summer. If I had not had that option, I really believe BAD things might have happened, I was so close to the edge. I’m with you – the terrible twos are nothing compared to the ferocious fours.

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