I am so pissed. Major rant ahead

I hate Mike’s cousin. I’ve never met the man. Mike hasn’t seen him in 15 years. But still, I hate.

He’s in DC for a few days and wants to get together with Mike. Fine. Good. Dandy.

Mike tried to pin him down on a time, but he kept saying he would call this morning and arrange something. We are busy people, but we are certainly willing to make time for a long lost relative that Mike will probably not get a chance to see again.

So the guy was supposed to call this morning. We had already told Erik that he was going to get to go on a train ride with Daddy. I was going to get a glorious few hours alone.

The guy never called. Mike kept calling and calling and calling. By noon Erik was in a hunger meltdown. Why I didn’t feed him before, I don’t know. Stupid me.

We decided to go out to lunch, cousin guy be damned. Erik had the biggest temper tantrum ever about wanting to ride on the train. It finally ended when I had my own temper tantrum. We went to lunch and Erik wouldn’t even sit by Mike. He had to sit by me and cuddle the whole time. “But Mommy, I just love you and want to cuddle.” Sweet, but it drives me up the friggin wall to have a kid hanging on me while I’m trying to eat lunch.

Get home. No message. Nothing.

Now. NOW! The fucktard calls and wants to meet up with Mike. The reason they were going to do a lunch is because Erik has a swim class this afternoon. I have no problem with Erik skipping his swim class, but he already knew about it and refused to skip it. So now Mike is off to DC while I’m stuck with the kid all by myself AGAIN after a long week of overtime with him. He’s crawling on me right now, running his hands through my hair, whining “I just want you mommy” any time I try to move away from him.


I don’t care what happens tomorrow. I’m leaving. I don’t know where I’m going, but I need to be alone. I wonder if any decent movies are playing.

If we would have known this idiot wasn’t going to call until so late we could have spent our morning at a car dealership. Time is ticking away. I want to go buy my van. I can barely get in and out of my car anymore. I think a van seat might be easier on my pregnant body since it sits up higher.

Did I mention that my hand is killing me? I hate being old! Isn’t 35 way too young for arthritis?

Bah! I was so looking forward to a weekend, and now it is just in shambles. I know lots of people have things a lot worse than this. I’m healthy, my family is healthy, I have plenty to eat and a roof over my head. But I don’t care! I’m still pissed. I think in retaliation I’m going to order some of the diapers I really want but that seem too expensive. Good Mama Ones, here I come.

1 Comment

  1. SAJ said,

    February 28, 2010 @ 9:53 am

    So would now be a bad time to let you know I’ll be in DC March 11-24th and I’d love to meet you in person? Ha ha! I know you probably don’t feel like meeting internet strangers (I totally understand) but if for some reason you do, let me know! I know a little girl who might just chase Eric around and give you a moment to yourself!

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