Wonderful Alone Time!

When Erik has having a fit about not going on the train yesterday, I became evil wife and told him that daddy would take him on the train today. “Daddy and you can ride the train to the zoo!” It didn’t help the temper tantrum at that time, but he has a great memory and was all prepared for his train ride today.

I don’t know how Mike felt about such a promise, but he should be happy. They were gone for five hours. I feel human again. If I didn’t get some much needed me time, I would have voluntarily committed myself to a mental institution. Then where would he be? Up a creek without a nanny.

It was glorious to sit around and not have a child on me. I didn’t have to bark orders. I didn’t have to fend off tongue. I didn’t have to constantly tell a kid “cover up that wiener,” I didn’t have to do anything for anybody but me for five whole hours. It was the height of luxury!

I watched an episode of Veronica Mars (I feel a full series re-watch coming on), read a couple of chapters, made some ugly breast pads that are supposed to be really absorbent, tried to quilt Elsa’s doll quilt, spent an hour picking out quilting, ate lunch. All in all, I lead a life of excitement. I really wanted to do something exciting, but the thought of standing on my feet for more than 10 minutes didn’t thrill me. It was a lovely, lovely day no matter how domestic and boring it sounds.

I feel bad that I have been having such negative feelings towards Erik. He is actually a very sweet kid. Who gets mad at their kid for being too loving? He’s always been a snuggle bug. It’s one of his strong points. The pregnancy hormones make me way too touchy. I am also lacking Vitamin D since our outside time has been severely curtailed.

Erik and the Baby Panda

Seriously, how can I be so mean to such a sweet face?

He’s chunking up again, which I love. He is so cute when he has those pink, chubby cheeks. It is a bit worrisome, though. He just shot up a few inches a few weeks ago. We just bought a new wardrobe! Most of the shirts are comically large on him, so maybe they’ll look a little more normal if he has another little growth spurt. Here I’ve been patting myself on the back for my parenting prowess in regards to his eating habits, but I think he’s just hungry.

If you recall, when he turned 4 I decided I was done being a short order cook. He could eat what we eat for dinner. Then, a couple of months ago, I decided I wasn’t giving him enough variety of fruits and vegetables so I bought some sectioned plates which force me to make sure he has at least four separate items on his plate. It was really frustrating at first because I would fill each slot and he wouldn’t even try any of the things he didn’t already like. Now he complains if I serve him on a regular plate instead of his special plates and he generally devours everything I give him. He still has to warm up to totally new foods, but he has a lot more variety in his diet and is eating a lot healthier.

In other very exciting news, it looks like I am going to get to meet one of the very first bloggers I ever read! Some of you may know SAJ. I’m almost giddy! I have been blogging since 2001. I can’t remember when or how we met, but I know she was one of my first non-friend readers. That’s a long time! You may actually get to see some pregnant pictures of me this time around since I know she’ll have a camera with her. Thus far Erik has been my only photographer and he doesn’t have a knack for capturing my best light. He somehow manages to get lots of boob shots. I think that’s his favorite part.

Speaking of the boy, he got quite a shock today. He had his head laying on my belly and the baby gave him a huge kick in the face. He’s felt her before, but nothing like that. The look on his face was priceless. I think she may have flipped this weekend. I have been feeling most of the activity way down low–very painful! But yesterday and today I’ve mostly been feeling kicks up around my ribs.

Here’s hoping for a much better week. I have hope! Mike is not supposed to be working until 8 pm every night and Erik has lunch bunch tomorrow (an extra hour of preschool). We have things lined up every single day, so that should make the time go faster. Let’s all do a sun dance and hope March comes in like a lamb and goes out like a lamb. Would that be expecting too much?


  1. bethany actually said,

    February 28, 2010 @ 9:53 pm

    My daughter loves to give me about 30 kisses in a row, on the exact same spot on my face, and it DRIVES ME CRAZY. When she protests that she just loves me and wants to show me, I tell her that I don’t want to be kissed 30 times, that one kiss is great, and if she kisses me more than I want to be kissed it’s not loving, it’s rude! I guess it’s never too early to explain to your kids that “no means no”? 🙂

    I’m glad you got some time to yourself!

  2. beck said,

    February 28, 2010 @ 11:02 pm

    Yay! You get to meet SAJ! I’m excited to hear how it goes and see pics. =)

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