
*Elsa is better! I hate taking my kids to the doctor. Hate it. Nothing is ever wrong. I’m glad nothing is ever wrong and I’m very, very, very, very happy Elsa doesn’t have to be cath’d, but I’m mad at myself for taking her and wasting all that time. I should have waited another day. How long do you wait with a fever that has no other symptoms? I waited three days.

*I can’t remember how we kept Erik out of the garbage. Our lid latch thing is broken so perhaps we just need a new lid. I don’t know. Elsa won’t eat real food, but I caught her happily snacking on onion skins from the garbage. Dandy.

*I went out and got a bunch of childproofing stuff, but can’t figure out how to keep the oven door closed. She pulled it open the other day. Very, very scary. She’s a lot bigger and taller than Erik, which makes things a little different. Also, Erik was repelled by heat and she seeks it out. The boy still takes a cold shower and it drives me nuts. Still eats frozen meatballs and chicken nuggets. Still likes to be naked because clothes are too hot. Strange little Viking boy. I put him in Elsa’s bath after she was done the other night and he started screaming bloody murder because it was burning him. It was barely luke warm.

*I put a hold on our MOMS Club book club book so one of these years I need to get to the library. The last time I was there I had a crazy thing happen. I always use the self-check machine because I hate waiting in line. I forgot to push “end session” as I was bagging up my books. I heard the machine beep again and turned around to see a lady checking out books. I saw “16 items” so knew there was no way she’d done 16 items. It takes forever because the scanner can be persnickety.

I nicely told her I forgot to push end session and I thought she was checking out books on my account.

She completely ignored me.

I told her again, and pointed out that it said “17 items” as she scanned in her next book and asked if she had really scanned in that many. She told me she was using her own card and it was fine.


There are times to walk away, and there are times you have to be confrontational. There’s simply no way you can let a stranger check out books on your card. I wouldn’t even let a friend do that (unless it was a house guest and I could keep track of the books).

I told her we needed to check and pushed the end session button myself and it started printing, but she grabbed it and ripped it off before it could finish, jamming the printer.

I was getting angry and a little bit nervous at this point, so I went over and found a librarian and told him what was going on. The lady still refused to acknowledge anything was happening. She got out her card and went to the other machine and started checking out books.

The librarian printed out my list of books and sure enough, two of her books were on the end of my order. I pointed it out and she STILL refused to acknowledge that she had them. The librarian looked through my books, then asked her to look through her books. I guess she was scared of him because she consented. The two books were buried deep down at the bottom. I don’t know if she was just confused, being a jerk, or trying to steal them. Anyway, the librarian took them off my account and all is well. But isn’t that just beyond weird?

*Also weird: my e-mail address apparently has two passwords at Amazon. How is that even possible? We’ve been waiting and waiting for an order and decided to track it. We couldn’t find the e-mail anywhere. We couldn’t find the order on any of our accounts. I knew the order hadn’t been canceled because we’d already received part of it. I finally thought to use all my passwords when logging in, and sure enough. Bam! Two of my passwords work. Looking at the order history, I use both of them equally. I don’t understand.

*One of the books on the order was a Cooking Light cookbook. Thank you Bethany for recommending them! I made a dish from it tonight and it was the first good meal I’ve had since starting the low cholesterol diet (stuffed bell peppers). Someone at work commented that Mike looks like he’s losing weight. I want to cry. He doesn’t have any weight to lose. Maybe if I just ate what he ate I would lose weight. You think? But you know what? I LIKE eating. I guess I like good food better than I like the idea of being skinny. And there’s nothing wrong with that. I read a really good post yesterday about how our society is turning disordered eating into the norm. It made me feel better about myself, at least for awhile.

*Gotta take Erik to bed. Someone please grant me the serenity to tell him a Batman story without crying. Better yet, someone give me some ideas for Batman villains. He doesn’t like me to read books–I have to make up the stories myself and these Batman stories are killing me.


  1. Erin said,

    February 7, 2011 @ 8:22 pm

    Forgive me if I’ve already posted this…but I can’t remember (I’m losing my mind at 30). You might want to check out http://www.skinnytaste.com/. So far, I really like all the recipes I’ve tried. We made Cuban Sandwich Quesadillas this weekend that were a-mazing.

  2. Antropologa said,

    February 8, 2011 @ 1:50 am

    I’m not completely sure who Batman is, so I can’t help there.

    Crazy library lady!

    I have taken my kid to the doc for a fever once. But it wasn’t because she’d had it long and it wasn’t scary high, but because she was acting so weird. They just told me to alternate Motrin/Tylenol and that worked.

    IKEA has lots of kitchen-proofing stuff.

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