Stab Her

I bought Mike a GPS system for Christmas. He asked for it, but it is something I’ve wanted for a long time. I would love to explore the area, but I hate getting lost. I thought this would be a perfect solution.


So wrong.

I posted before that I really want to do something nice for my cousin’s new little girl. They sent Elsa a ton of outfits when she was born and I have been frozen with indecision. My cousin’s a doctor and they have been waiting for this little girl forever. My aunt said they have more outfits than the girl can possibly wear in her lifetime, so I didn’t really want to go that route.

I wanted to make a quilt, but my back is bad and my time is short so it felt like the only quilt I could make would be a simple one and that didn’t seem special enough.

I wanted to get a little Korean doll (the baby is from Korea) but there are very few Korean/Asian dolls out there and I have a feeling that my cousin has probably already bought every single one that money can buy.

The other day I saw a thing about ticker tape quilts and a plan was formed. I make a super simple quilt. I buy a doll (I went with a black haired Stella doll). I make a ticker tape baby quilt with the scraps. The doll and the toddler have matching quilts. It feels special. Win!

I went to the nearest quilt shop, but didn’t find any fabrics that I loved. I knew there was a super-amazing fabric store about 20 minutes away and with my GPS system I could get there with minimum trouble even though it is in middle of a big city that I hate driving in.

This is where I went wrong. I trusted the GPS.

It had me end up in a parking lot in middle of the city and the lady kept yelling at me when I would leave the parking lot. I would try to get going in a different direction, but it kept taking me back to that damned parking lot. Grrrrr!

When I finally found the store I was totally disappointed. I’ve been to the Virginia location several times and loved it. I was at their old Maryland location a couple of years ago and loved it. They’ve moved into a much smaller space and barely had anything. I walked around the whole place looking for the secret stairwell to all the fabric but never did find it. The only good thing is they were having a super sale, so almost all quilting fabric was $7.50/yd. Great price, but if they don’t have anything you want, who cares?

I came home and did what I should have done earlier this week–bought several fabrics from an online store. I want to see them in person, but that dream is done I guess. They are all from the same collection so I know they’ll match. I don’t know when I’ll have time to do all this sewing, but I am beyond negligent in getting this gift in the mail so it needs to happen within the next couple of weeks.

Oh, and did I mention what else that lying woman inside the GPS told me to do? She wanted me to go south on the main highway instead of north. I turned her off at that point because I was on my way home and I knew exactly how to get there. I don’t know where she was going to send me, but going south would have been a serious mistake.

Most useless Christmas gift ever? Possibly. Especially since it makes you feel prepared for driving around, but in reality it knows even less than you do.


  1. bethany actually said,

    February 26, 2011 @ 9:30 pm

    What GPS do you guys have? We are on our second TomTom and I’ve loved them both. They’ve been completely invaluable on many road trips and as we move around the country. We do have to update them online occasionally, but even so, in the past four years I think I’ve only been steered completely wrong by our GPS once or twice. I’ve been steered slightly wrong (it sends me to a location a block away from where I’m supposed to be) probably less than 1% of the time. Sometimes there are new roads that the GPS doesn’t yet know about. The other 98% percent of the time, the GPS gets it exactly right.

  2. Antropologa said,

    February 27, 2011 @ 2:39 am

    We love our GPS! I think it’s a TomTom? I won’t drive in Gothenburg without it!

  3. torrygirl said,

    February 28, 2011 @ 3:15 pm

    GPS things are crazy. We used ours to get us to an appointment in the CBD of Melbourne, and we ended up a half hour drive from where we actually needed to be. We ditched that GPS pretty quickly.

    I recommend TomTom as well – apart from the occasional trip where it becomes confused by what suburb a street is in, it’s been much better than the original GPS we had that couldn’t tell north from south.

  4. Margie said,

    March 2, 2011 @ 6:56 pm

    Bill just bought me a new gps… it’s a Garmin. I love it. He took my old one to Chicago to use there, and has been leaving it there on weekends. I love this new one… it’s totally updated with all the new roads. It even had the construction detours on the Cornell campus!

    I love the ticker tape quilts. Add to my list of things I want to make if I EVER learn to sew/quilt!

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