Morning Post

I have a rare moment of peace. Erik is off to school. Elsa is still napping. I don’t have to leave the house until 10:30 so I can take a few moments to sit and write.

Erik’s long term sub started on Monday. What a difference that makes for Erik’s happiness levels. He’s like a different kid. Or the kid that I used to know before kindergarten started. He’s so much happier and relaxed. He still has his little fits, but the attitude change is phenomenal.

I hope this doesn’t mean the sub is just letting the class run wild and do whatever they want while not learning a damned thing. I don’t think she would do that. Apparently she is the most desired mat leave sub in the area. She’s older and very experienced. Apparently she’s more relaxed as well. Erik says he likes her because she “does things quicker and let’s me pick more what I want to do.” I have no idea what that means, but it sounds good to me. She will be there for the next 10 weeks. His regular teacher will be back for the last three weeks of school (maybe she’ll change her mind about coming back? Pretty please?)

I also like that this teacher has been sending home unfinished work instead of holding him in at recess. I am more than happy to deal with that if it means he gets his recess at school.

Here’s hoping this is a recipe for success for the rest of the year!

I am currently stooped over like an old woman. We went on a nature walk with moms club yesterday and it turned out to be a lot more intense than I had intended. I was planning on a pretty short 45 minute round trip, but when we got to the end of the trail we discovered that they had finally paved a portion of a trail that leads to a really cool playground. There’s a really nice, big park behind our old apartments. You could reach it by walking over a really awful trail that wasn’t stroller friendly, or you could hop in the car and drive 30 minutes (basically going in a huge circle around the whole area). Now that the trail is paved you can walk there faster than you can drive there. Crazy!

Anyway, a portion of this trail is a huge hill. I think it done killed me.

Elsa was having a blast, but then she bumped her eye on the corner of a picnic table. I was really glad a couple of my friends witnessed it because now she has a huge black eye. Poor thing! Then last night she was playing and fell down and split her lip.

And the girl awakes. Guess this entry is over.

1 Comment

  1. Sonja said,

    March 9, 2012 @ 8:50 am

    Oh Em Geee, just hearing about recess being taken away from a child (esp. one so young) makes my blood boil. It’s one of my pet peeves.
    How do you expect a child who didn’t get to run around and play for 10 or 15 minutes to be ready to sit and listen/learn for the rest of the morning?!!
    I’m so happy to hear that this sub is making Erik happier to be at school. I wonder how this will affect his attitude towards homework, too!

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