Great day!

Too often my posts are all about complaints. Not so today!

I thought it was going to be a totally insane, exhausting day. It was, but it was also quite lovely.

We did a Campfire field trip down to the Natural History Museum. I hate driving in DC, so we took the Metro down. All the way down to the station Erik kept telling me I was lying–there was no way we were really going to ride a train. I don’t know why he was so surprised. He’s been on the Metro a number of times, but I guess not recently.

Notice the big smile? He lost his first tooth last night and is very proud! He is one of the last of his friends to lose a tooth, even though he is the oldest.

He was over the moon excited the whole time. He was able to take care of his ticket himself. He held on to the pole (and licked it. I thought I was going to vomit). He did exactly as I asked every time I asked. I didn’t have to get angry or worried a single time.

One of the boys in Campfire is just plain, out and out mean. Erik can’t stand him and usually gets sucked into a fight with him. This time Erik just firmly stated “Leave me alone, you are not my boss” every time the kid was rude. I was really proud of him for not making a scene. I was also proud because our little 3 1/2 year old friend was hanging out with him and Erik was a great role model for showing him how to handle the bully.

We were in the museum for a few of hours and Erik was very well behaved the whole time. He’s a whole different child! This whole week he’s been great–helpful at home, trying hard to do what we ask, happy and smiling. I hope this continues.


When I got home we had a little birthday party for me. I made a peppermint fudge cake yesterday and Mike finished it off with the ganache while we were gone. It was delicious! Apparently while I was gone Elsa got a spoon and started attacking the cake. Mike yelled at her and she ran to my mom for comfort. This is a very good thing. Now she’s letting my mom look at her, talk to her and touch her! We weren’t expecting that to happen for a few days. She’s very, very shy.

Mike had our family friends over and it was very pleasant. The kids didn’t fight, the adults all had a good time, and everything was nice.

After they left and I started looking for my computer I found a box with a very beautiful, sparkly necklace! Mike did very well this year. I think we are going to Mexican food for dinner tomorrow and going to see Hunger Games next weekend. Mike offered to go tomorrow evening, but that’s just not very practical even if my mom is here to babysit.

1 Comment

  1. Antropologa said,

    March 25, 2012 @ 10:35 pm

    Happy Birthday!

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