Hunger Games and Hermit Crabs

We went to see Hunger Games today! My only complaint: the many young children in the audience. I can’t believe people would bring their preschoolers to this movie.

I’m glad I read the books, though. I probably wouldn’t have cared for it nearly as much if I didn’t know all the internal conflicts and back story. Mike liked it as well, even though he hasn’t read the books.

Last night I dreamed about Harry Potter, and I must say a new Harry Potter with a never before seen scene was just as exciting as Hunger Games. Too bad I don’t remember it.

Erik has been begging for a pet, so I think we’ve finally decided we will let him get hermit crabs. I’m allergic to cats, I have a fish phobia, I don’t like the smell of rodents, and I don’t have time for a dog. Hermit crabs for the win!

Erik and I did a ton of research this weekend and I realized it is going to be quite expensive to get started. You can get a little plastic hermit crab set, but that is not recommended. Basically that is like putting the crabs into a torture chamber and condemning them to a slow death. I may not be wild about animals, but no creature is going to live a painful, sad life under my watch. I wouldn’t like it if a giant alien swooped down, stuck me in a 50 degree plastic bubble with no clothes, gave me water that had not-quite-toxic levels of arsenic and air that had not-quite-enough oxygen. I won’t do the equivalent to an animal.

The crabs need to be in a warm, humid environment. They have to have dechlorinated water and sea salt water. They need lots of toys, shells and fresh food. I wrote down everything and added it all up. I couldn’t find prices for everything, but we’re looking at $150 easy, probably more. I told Erik we would pay half and he would have to pay half. My mom chimed in and said she would pay half of Erik’s half, so we had fun with fractions.

I’m kind of hoping he forgets about the whole deal. At least he does recognize that we can’t just go to the store and get everything. He suggested we go and get what we can afford every time we have money and when we finally get everything we can buy the crabs. I was pleased to see that he realized you have to get the equipment before you get the crabs.

I guess we’ll see what happens. He was so excited about having grandma here today that he forgot about the crabs. Spring break starts on Friday, so he’ll have a lot of time to remember that he wants a pet.

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