Mother of a Son

I was so very happy to read that male hormonal birth control is expected to be approved in the US in about five years. I hope that’s true. Erik needs an implant when he turns 12. Maybe 13. I don’t know. When do boys become men?

Seriously, my son worries me. He loves girls. He loves affection. He doesn’t listen to reason. Though I would never encourage high school sex, I have a feeling this kid is going to be getting it on as soon as he can get it on. It scares the hell out of me. I don’t want to have to call the parents of some sweet middle school girl and tell them they better make sure she’s on birth control because she’s decided to date my son.

We were watching Worst Cooks in America yesterday and they were preparing a date meal. Erik announced that he wants to take his “girlfriend” on a date. I was thinking maybe an ice cream date or something, but no. He wants me to drop them off at a fancy restaurant so they can have a nice meal and kiss at least ten times. He’s only kissed a girl four times. He thinks ten would be better.

First he thought he might take the girl to Uncle Julios, but then decided that wasn’t fancy enough. Then he thought they might go to Red Rock Grill, but again–not fancy enough. I guess some of the cartoons he watches has the teens going out on dates sometimes. Candace and Jeremy are always trying to go on dates, right?

I’m certainly not telling my friend, the mother of the little girl, that Erik is planning a fancy date. I don’t think a six year old needs any encouragement in this area. It does beg the question though: at what age will he be allowed to date?

He has this whole plan about marrying the little girl in question. They’re going to get married when they are 20, go to the same college, have a house, a car and two children (Al and Glitter). At least he knows he has to have a job to accomplish all of this. I sure was not planning marriage when I was six years old. I was still in the “ewwwww, boys have cooties” stage.

So yeah. . . gotta hope that male birth control implant is a real thing and proven safe by the time Erik is going to need it.

1 Comment

  1. Tree of Know said,

    March 31, 2012 @ 10:03 pm

    Starting 3 or 4, my male cousin (4 years younger) was determined that he was going to marry my sister (who was 2 years older than him), and he stayed determined well into elementary school. My theory is that he really loved my sister, better than his sister or me, but had no way to express that. He didn’t love her like he loved his mom and dad, so he went to the next type of love that he knew–marriage. Also, I know of very few programs in which school-age boys and girls play together without there being sexual tension. Even Arthur sometime uses boyfriend/girlfriend to configure male-female relationships.

    I too am excited about male hormonal birth control if for no other reason than that will guarantee that hormonal birth control be covered by insurance and treated like any other medication (and maybe all of this bull we’re going through right now will go away).

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