I feel like I am not doing a good job recording Elsa’s childhood. I wrote an entry almost every single day for several years, including most of Erik’s childhood. I don’t have that kind of time or energy these days. I don’t even have anything that interesting to say anymore because I have learned that nothing is truly private on the internet. Local friends and enemies can find my blog if they try hard enough. I have some bigger responsibilities in the SAHM world these days. Sooooooo. . . there goes all the funny stories about the weirdos I meet.

How about a picture of Elsa? That girl loves her daddy. She will chose him over me any day, which is hard on me when she’s hurt and I just want to scoop her up and comfort her. Overall it’s a good thing, though. It is so great that my children get to have a father who loves them and is involved in their lives and is a great role model. Hopefully they won’t need too much therapy when they are grown.
She is still my little daredevil. You often hear “thump thump thump thump THUD” in my house as she does a run and flings herself onto a piece of furniture over and over and over again. She’s a climber and a fighter. She talks very clearly, which can be embarassing. Her favorite phrases seem to be “GO AWAY” when talking to other kids, complete with a really mean look and pointing finger. She also likes “COME ON” when talking to me or “bro-ie,” the name she’s giving Erik. And we can’t forget “CRABBIES!!!”
Yes, she speaks in all caps.
The kids have become obsessed with the hermit crabs. I guess that’s a good thing? I don’t know, but I feel bad for the poor things. We take them out a few times a day to give them a bath and let them run the obstacle course that Erik built out of Lincoln Logs. Someone told us that the more we take them out during the day, the less nocturnal they will become. I can’t remember if that was here on LJ or on FB, but it seems to be true. They have become used to us and we have definetly become used to them. We don’t even screech and run away when they climb on us. I have to carefully monitor all interactions because Elsa would really love to hug and squeeze the poor dears. I am sure they are totally terrified when she gets down in their face and starts yelling “HELLO SUNNY!!! HI SUNNY!!! HELLO!!!!”
We currently have five crabs, four of which are active. One is still buried under the water dish. None of them ever seem to eat.

Jennifer said,
June 20, 2012 @ 1:20 pm
Arent there any summer activities Erik can be involved in, to get him out of your hair? Peter will be going to an all-day camp at the YMCA in the middle of the summer, and then some other activities, despite the fact that he thinks he’d rather lay around grandma’s house all day. (he’s wrong of course, he’d get bored out of his gourd). Peter is also going to take a little class offered through the school district, and one at the local production theater, and also an art class.
Just talking out loud. 🙂 Here’s hoping 1st grade is better! Jennifer