It snowed!
Isn’t that the only thing anyone has to say these days? Unless you live in my hometown, and you can say “It hasn’t snowed and the farmers are crying.” I would love to pack up this snow and send it to the farmers, but it doesn’t work like that.
Like most of you, we’ve had a crazy winter and are going stir-crazy. This was the worst snow yet with 19″ being the biggest number I’ve heard. Thank goodness our neighbors have a snow blower and spent the day helping our little section get cleaned up. It’s supposed to snow some more tonight, but not nearly as much.
You all remember the Dutch lady who is rude and weird? She’s still hanging around my MOMS Club and causing trouble. As venues were cancelling and shuffling events, she kept trying to make plans. People kept saying “ummmmm. . you realize there’s going to be 13 inches of snow? No one’s going anywhere” and she kept saying “I don’t believe them.” Because she is suddenly a meteorologist? The governor of our state called a state of emergency, but she has better information than him?
Yesterday I had PTA drama that I was complaining about at our MOMS Club event and I said “and we won’t even have school Thursday or Friday so it doesn’t even matter!” and she looked at me like I was nuts. “Why on earth wouldn’t we have school on Thursday and Friday?” She completely scoffed at me when I mentioned the snow and the impending doom. “There’s no way we’ll even get an inch,” she told me.
In yo face, bi-atch.
That whole interaction makes the snow a gleeful experience (plus, our power didn’t go out and we have plenty of food and we are all home, so no worries).
Also gleeful: I decided to splurge and buy myself snow pants in middle of the Polar Vortex. They arrived too late to be useful for that cold spell, but they were the best thing ever today. At least as an adult I can use them for years. I certainly hope I don’t outgrow them*!
I went to TJMaxx the other day, which is a rarity for me. I think that’s the third time I’ve ever been in there. I was hoping to score some clothes for Elsa, but they didn’t have anything worth buying. However, they did have glassware! I am in love with fancy glass containers and little cupcake stands. I restrained myself and only bought one, but if the snow ever ends I’m going to go buy a couple more. They are so fancy for a party! As an adult I should have some fancy things. I really love being able to pull out nice serving trays, casserole dishes with covers, and various other items that I consider “adult.” I’m going to be 40 in six weeks. I think the novelty of being an adult should wear off soon.
At any rate, the fancy glass container I bought needed something pretty, so I baked some more Cherry White Chocolate Shortbread cookies, which are totally amazing. They are perfect for Valentines and look so pretty in the jar, but the challenge is keeping them in the jar when everyone wants to eat them. My plan was not well thought out. I should have filled it with conversation hearts. Elsa found an old box of them from last year and declared that they are “nasty.” Which is probably why there was a box in the old craft box. Those thing are nasty.
Hmmmmm. . . I should go make my kids some Valentines for them to wake up to! And maybe my husband! That was the one thing I didn’t prepare for before the snow storm. I was going to get stuff on Wednesday night, but somehow that didn’t happen.
*I watched part of a documentary on a lady who weighed over 1,000 pounds. I just can’t imagine. How do you let yourself get there? Though I suppose there are people who look at me and ask that same question. But at least I can get up and take care of my family and myself. The documentary was kind of vulgar since she was too big to wear clothes. It showed her husband cleaning her body. Doctors estimated that each butt cheek weighed over 100 pounds. I felt so bad for her because she seemed like a nice lady, except that the whole reason they even knew she existed is because she went to court for murder, so she wasn’t that nice of a lady!
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