I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving (if you’re American). We had a fabulous day. Now that I’ve given over the guilt of not being with my extended family, I am free to enjoy the day. I highly recommend letting go of guilt. It is so freeing to let go of things that I am in no way responsible for.
My friend and I shared cooking duty and she hosted at her place. Her MIL and MIL’s husband were in from England, so that was interesting. The husband, Jerry, had never had a traditional Thanksgiving meal and was quite fascinated. The MIL behaved herself as well, which was a gamble. My friend has a lot of complaints about the woman, but she also has a lot of complaints about every single aspect of her life so it is hard to suss out the truth from her victim mentality.
The most amazing part? All four kids were wonderfully well behaved! Seven hours and only one meltdown! The kids are finally getting to be of an age where they play well together (as long as the 8 year old boys are separated from the 4 year old girls).
I made the best pecan pie of my life. Seriously, this pie was perfect in every way. I am a pretty good pie maker, but not perfect, so I am very pleased with myself. Let’s not talk about the pumpkin. Ha.
Today we’re taking the kids to see Frozen, Elsa’s very first movie theater experience. We’ve seen the trailers about a million times so I hope she is well prepped.
Several hours later.
I guess I was a little too optimistic about the movie. Elsa didn’t do badly, but she was not entranced either. She was rolling all around, doing some dancing and just generally acting like a 3 year old who had been cooped up too long. Nothing terrible since we were in a packed theater full of very young children who were all a little restless, but not quite what I envisioned.
We all enjoyed the movie. I know they are touting it is at the next instant classic or whatever–a Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, and Lion King type movie. I have no idea what makes a movie have that extra pizazz, but I can say I will be buying this one on disk and watching it again. Maybe I’ll even get the soundtrack for the kids.
We have quite a few of the more modern Disney movies. The only one I enjoy watching over and over is Tangled. I’d say this one is definitely on par with Tangled (and strikingly similar in some ways).
I am just soooooooo glad they decided to change up the plot and make Elsa a misguided, lonely sister instead of an evil villain. What do you do when your child suddenly has the name of a Disney villian? Any Malificents in the house? Jafars? Ursulas?
It’s much more fun to unexpectedly have a line of Disney princesses named after your kid. However, I wonder if there will be a run on the name Elsa in the next few years. I tried to come up with unique, yet not made-up names for my kids. Guess I should have went with Malificent! Except that Angelina Jolie movie is coming out soon. Looks freaky!
I have no idea what I’m talking about. I’m going to go eat a piece of pie and finish painting my trim.
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